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The story of the bead

A bead is a small object with an eye that can be used to thread beads onto a thread.

Scientists Marian Vanhaeren and Francesco d’Errico conclude in a study (2006) that 157 types of beads were identified from 98 Paleolithic excavations in Europe. Of these, 62 were made of shells, 31 of animal teeth, 30 of ivory, 11 of bone, 7 of deer antlers, and the remainder of other animal and vegetable fossil materials. Like body painting, tattooing and clothing, beads serve not only as decoration but also as a mark of the individual and group identity. Of all body parts of humans and animals, teeth are the most durable because of the enamel and their scarcity.

Originally, the bead is a jewel laden with magic, a piece of jewelry that people always like to carry with them as an amulet or talisman. The magic power is attributed to the specific shape, color or raw material of the bead. For example, shells promote fertility and animal teeth provide the hunter with vitality.

The spiritual and ritual function of beads is reflected in human communication with the higher powers. With the beads on their rosary, the faithful keep track of the number of their prayers.

“The first glass beads were made around 1600 years before Christ. These beads were made by drawing molten glass into a thin wire and winding it around an iron rod. After one or a few turns, the glass wire is cut. The rod with the ring around it is heated again and turned so that the wires fuse together. Different colors of glass can also be used. More modern ways to make glass beads on an industrial scale is by drawing a hollow glass tube, which is cut into pieces, or by pressing beads into a shape and then polishing ”. Loan Oei, the story of the bead.

In addition to an emotional value, beads also have an economic value as a means of exchange and payment. The cowrie shell is probably the oldest currency in the world. (see story cowrie)

Beads go from continent to continent, from generation to generation, leaving traces of the trade and walk of peoples. Beadwork can be seen as a reaffirmation of tribal identity.

Local color: indigenous peoples on all continents made the colorful import glass beads their own as a new means of expression for their body decoration. Gradually the small shiny beads supplanted the native beads of vegetable, animal and metal raw materials.

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